

慢性肝病是國人健康之大敵。在台灣每年約有一萬人死於肝癌或肝硬化和慢性肝炎。自民國七十年來,肝癌一直居於國人男性癌症死因第一位,及女性癌症死因第二位。而B型肝炎病毒(HBV)及C型肝炎病毒(HCV)則是導致國人慢性肝炎、肝硬化與肝癌的最主要原因。在我國成人中約有15-20%為B型肝炎帶原者,南部地區更有多個C型肝炎盛行村。隨著分子生物醫學的進步,開發新的檢測與藥物,成為預防及治療肝炎與肝癌的重要工具。 本中心成立的宗旨即在提供與開發新穎的肝炎病毒及肝癌檢測技術,期望進一步參與藥物研發的研究。目前已開發完成並提供精準新穎HBV DNA及HCV RNA的定性、定量與基因型檢測;長期服用治療HBV的干安能(Lamivudine)而產生抗藥性病毒株(如YMDD變異病毒株)的檢測。也已進行與產業界的生物技術轉移。此外我們繼續投入開發新的生物指標,預測或評估抗病毒藥物之療效;並確認肝癌相關基因的重要性,能對肝癌病人進行早期的預測與診斷。我們樂於與產業界的生物科技公司合作,推廣相關之專業檢測、研究服務及技術轉移。

Chronic liver disease is one of the major diseases among people of our country. Approximately ten thousand people died of hepatoma or chronic liver disease and cirrhosis per year in Taiwan. Since 1981 hepatoma become the first leading cause of death among malignancies of males and the second leading cause of death among malignancies of females. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are the major etiologies of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatoma of our country people. About 15-20% of our adults are hepatitis B carriers. Many hepatitis C endemic villages exist in the South Taiwan. Accompanying the advance of molecular biology in medicine, development of new tests and drugs become important tools to prevent and treat hepatitis and hepatoma. The goals of the center are to provide and set up new tests for hepatitis viruses and hepatoma and further involve the research of investigatory new drugs. We have developed and provided new and accurate qualitative, quantitative, and genotyping tests of HBV and HCV, in addition to Lamivudine resistant test (e.g. HBV YMDD variants) for patients who have received long term lamlivudine treatment. We have successfully transferred some of these biotechnologies to the company. Furthermore, we continue develop new biomarkers to predict or evaluate the efficacy of antiviral drugs; illustrate the importance of some hepatoma related genes to provide early detection and diagnosis of hepatoma. We are pleased to have the collaboration with biotechnology companies and provide professional tests and research services, including transfer of our technology.